Immunity Boosters - Garlic and Aged Garlic Extracts
- AGE Enhances Immunity
- AGE Increases NK Activity
- AGE Helps Reduce Colds and Flu
- AGE Blocks Ultraviolet-Induced Immunosuppression
- AGE Reduces Inflammatory Prostaglandins
A Balanced Immune System
A healthy immune system is the secret to good health, protection against infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi and lowers the risk of the cancer development. A weak immune system will make us vulnerable to infectious bacteria and viruses surrounding us. From direct exposure to a cough or a sneeze, to contaminated food and other illnesses that may lead to death, our immune system not only protect us from danger, like infections, but also repair our tissues and help our cells “take out the garbage” (for example, clear up cellular waste/remove dead cells) on a regular basis.
The immune system uses inflammation as the primary tool in both of these functions, but that inflammation must be held in almost perfect balance for us to stay healthy. Too much inflammation would result in chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes and dementia, among others.
Maintaining a healthy diet helps keep the immune system balanced and ready to fight against infections and viruses. Protein and antioxidants play a critical role in supporting a balanced immune system. Protein is the building block of immune cells. a diet that lacks protein can affect your immune function.

The white blood cells in our immune system helps to fight disease. Some studies show that moderate physical activity such as exercises, may cause the antibodies or white blood cells to circulate more rapidly, enabling them to detect illnesses earlier.
In addition to diet and exercise, there are a few different types of vitamins and supplements that can help boost your immunity. Your vitamin C supplement, combined with a daily probiotic, and even a nutritious powdered green drink, can protect you from getting sick. Something extra to add to the mix is a supplement containing Aged Garlic Extract. Supplements containing this potent ingredient can strengthen your cardiovascular and immune system by maintaining circulatory function and promoting overall well-being.
Benefits of Garlic
Garlic's potential as a remedy to prevent and combat a wide range of diseases has been lauded and practiced for thousands of years. By the 21st century medicine has confirmed many of the medicinal benefits of garlic. Among the wide range of remedial and preventive properties, garlic has shown the ability to boost immunity.
The pungent taste of garlic is not to everyone's liking, as its odor may remain on the breath and skin for days; moreover, large quantities of ingested garlic, potentially needed to boost immunity may cause gastrointestinal disturbances.
The odourless Aged Garlic ExtractTM (Kyolic® AGETM has become a most popular preparation that provides the benefits of garlic, including boosting immunity, without the unpleasant side effects. Moreover, its efficacy and reliable standing as the preferred garlic formulation for research on the health benefits of garlic, has yielded over 700 peer reviewed research publications in scientific and medical journals.
Aged Garlic Extract (AGE)
Aged Garlic Extract used in Wakunaga’s Kyolic supplements is sourced from certified organic farms in California’s Central Valley, where the garlic is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Once fully mature, the garlic is harvested, cleaned and sliced before being placed in specialized stainless-steel containers to age without heat for up to 20 months. This proprietary process increases the garlic’s antioxidant potential and converts harsh and unstable organosulfur compounds into the odourless, non-irritating and bioavailable compounds, which are responsible for its numerous health benefits as below:
1. AGE Enhances Immunity
Aged Garlic Extract has been shown in preclinical and clinical studies to enhance the immune response, mitigate infectious diseases, and kill cancer cells. AGE intake has been shown to increase the phagocytic (cell-killing) activity of macrophages, the activity of the T lymphocytes and increase the number and action of natural killer cells (NK) and antitumor action; AGE also was found to inhibit the allergy-causing histamine release and have anti-inflammatory effects, suppressing prostaglandins and enhancing interferon.
2. AGE Increases NK Activity
Garlic contains numerous compounds that have this potential and, in addition, has been shown to influence NK cell function. A study recruited 120 healthy subjects (60 per group) to determine the effect of aged garlic extract supplementation on immune cell proliferation.
After 45 days of consuming an encapsulated aged garlic extract, NK cells were shown to proliferate better compared to placebo. These results conclude that supplementation of diet with aged garlic extract may enhance immune cell function.
3. AGE Helps Reduce Colds and Flu
A study recruited 120 healthy subjects (60 per group between ages of 21 and 50) and evaluated the effect of AGE supplementation on the proliferation of immune cells and cold and flu symptoms.
After 90 days of supplementation, diary entries of illness showed that the group consuming Aged Garlic Extract showed a reduced severity of both colds and flu noted by a reduction in the number of reported symptoms (21 percent fewer). The investigators concluded that supplementation of the diet with AGE may enhance immune cell function and potentially reduce inflammation, resulting in a reduced severity of colds and flu.
4. AGE Blocks Ultraviolet-Induced Immunosuppression
In a preclinical study, researchers found that immunosuppression of 58% induced by a moderate exposure to UVB radiation was reduced to 19% by a diet containing 4% aged garlic extract. The preclinical studies suggest that AGE may help protect humans against immunosuppression induced by exposure to UV, and therefore have a potential to reduce the risk of UV induced skin cancer.
5. AGE Reduces Inflammatory Prostaglandins
Oxidative damage by free radicals and immune-inflammatory activation are considered important factors in the development of cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Prostaglandins are substances associated with inflammation in that the release of local pro-inflammatory prostaglandins takes place, accompanied by the destruction of tissue. A study showed that a continuous intake of AGE can aid in maintaining the reduced levels of inflammatory prostaglandins.
Easy Steps to Building Your Immunity (online) Available at: www.kyolic.com/easy-steps-to-building-your-immunity [Assessed 20 January 2021]
Dietary Supplementation with Aged Garlic Extract Reduces Plasma and Urine Concentrations of 8-Iso-Prostaglandin F2α in Smoking and Nonsmoking Men and Women (online) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/132.2.168 [Assessed 20 January 2021]
A Garlic Extract Protects From Ultraviolet B (280-320 Nm) Radiation-induced Suppression of Contact Hypersensitivity (online) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.1993.tb04975.x [Assessed 20 January 2021]
Supplementation with Aged Garlic Extract Improves Both NK and Γδ-T Cell Function and Reduces the Severity of Cold and Flu Symptoms: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Nutrition Intervention (online) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2011.11.019 [Assessed 20 January 2021]
Garlic and Aged Garlic Extract Immunity Boosters (online) Available at: https://www.totalhealthmagazine.com/Vitamins-and-Supplements/Garlic-and-Aged-Garlic-Extract-Immunity-Boosters.html [Assessed 20 January 2021]
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