Manuka Honey: UMF Rating and MGO Level
Rating System of Manuka Honey
“UMF®” VS “Active”
• Generally there are two unit standards used to indicate the strength of Manuka Honey, “UMF®” and “Active”:
- “UMF®” is the registered trademark of New Zealand Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA) and is used by licensed users;
- “Active” is used by users who are not registered with UMFHA
• Both UMF® and Active rated Manuka Honey were obtained through laboratory testing to evaluate for its antibacterial level. Rating is positively correlated to antibacterial strength; the higher the rating, the higher the antibacterial strength.
What is Manuka honey UMF rating?
Buyers choose UMF or MGO ratings to differentiate between premium and low-grade manuka honey.
The unique manuka factor (UMF) rating is the mark of high-grade manuka. The non-peroxide activity (NPA) makes the honey special. Any product labeled only ‘total activity’ or ‘peroxide activity,’ should be considered low-grade as it would not have the unique NPA property.
UMF ratings match the potency of the ideal NPA properties of honey. Therefore, honey labeled UMF 5+ has NPA between 5 and 9.9, while honey rated UMF 10+ has NPA ranking between 10.0 and 14.9.
The higher the NPA activity, the higher the UMF rating, and the better the quality of manuka honey.
UMF rating and potency
- Manuka honey umf 20
UMF 16-20 are superior levels with high therapeutic effect
- Manuka honey umf 15
UMF 10+ to UMF15 have medium levels of activity for better health outcomes.
- Manuka honey umf 10
UMF 5-10 are low-activity levels for general well-being and health support.
Anything below 10 is not very beneficial, but UMF 10+ carries antibacterial activity.
Rating of Manuka Honey
Rating 10+ and below |
Rating between 10+ and 20+ |
Rating 20+ and above |
General health maintenance. |
Aid to relieve sore throat, mild gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, stomach pain and indigestion. |
Assist to heal minor cuts, wounds and burns and severe stomach upset. |
What is MGO in manuka honey?
MGO stands for methylglyoxal, also referred to as MG. It is measured as mg/kg (ppm). The higher the level of MGO, the higher the NPA activity, and the higher the UMF rating.
For instance, honey with MGO 514 or 550 is rated UMF 15+, while MGO 400 honey is ranked UMF 12+ or UMF 10+. On the contrary, MGO 829 honey is rated UMF 20+.
UMF scoring of 5-9 refers to low levels of MGO, while a ranking of 10-15 marks useful levels. 16+ rating is a mark of superior or high-grade MGO.
The higher the MGO, the higher the grade of manuka honey. To be considered potent for therapeutic effects, you should go for a minimum rating of 10 UMF.
Manuka Honey Ranges Available at Nature’s Farm®
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