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Manuka Honey: UMF Rating and MGO Level

Manuka Honey: UMF Rating and MGO Level

Rating System of Manuka Honey

“UMF®” VS “Active”
• Generally there are two unit standards used to indicate the strength of Manuka Honey, “UMF®” and “Active”:
- “UMF®” is the registered trademark of New Zealand Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA)  and is used by licensed users;
- “Active” is used by users who are not registered with UMFHA

• Both UMF® and Active rated Manuka Honey were obtained through laboratory testing to evaluate for its antibacterial level. Rating is positively correlated to antibacterial strength; the higher the rating, the higher the antibacterial strength.

What is Manuka honey UMF rating?

Buyers choose UMF or MGO ratings to differentiate between premium and low-grade manuka honey.

The unique manuka factor (UMF) rating is the mark of high-grade manuka. The non-peroxide activity (NPA) makes the honey special. Any product labeled only ‘total activity’ or ‘peroxide activity,’ should be considered low-grade as it would not have the unique NPA property.

Manuka Honey

UMF ratings match the potency of the ideal NPA properties of honey. Therefore, honey labeled UMF 5+ has NPA between 5 and 9.9, while honey rated UMF 10+ has NPA ranking between 10.0 and 14.9.

The higher the NPA activity, the higher the UMF rating, and the better the quality of manuka honey.

UMF rating and potency

  • Manuka honey umf 20

UMF 16-20 are superior levels with high therapeutic effect

  • Manuka honey umf 15

UMF 10+ to UMF15 have medium levels of activity for better health outcomes.

  • Manuka honey umf 10

UMF 5-10 are low-activity levels for general well-being and health support

Anything below 10 is not very beneficial, but UMF 10+ carries antibacterial activity.

Rating of Manuka Honey 

 Rating of Manuka Honey

Rating 10+ and below

Rating between 10+ and 20+

Rating 20+ and above

General health maintenance.

Aid to relieve sore throat, mild gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, stomach pain and indigestion.

Assist to heal minor cuts, wounds and burns and severe stomach upset.

What is MGO in manuka honey?

MGO stands for methylglyoxal, also referred to as MG. It is measured as mg/kg (ppm). The higher the level of MGO, the higher the NPA activity, and the higher the UMF rating.

For instance, honey with MGO 514 or 550 is rated UMF 15+, while MGO 400 honey is ranked UMF 12+ or UMF 10+. On the contrary, MGO 829 honey is rated UMF 20+.

UMF scoring of 5-9 refers to low levels of MGO, while a ranking of 10-15 marks useful levels. 16+ rating is a mark of superior or high-grade MGO.

The higher the MGO, the higher the grade of manuka honey. To be considered potent for therapeutic effects, you should go for a minimum rating of 10 UMF.

Manuka Honey Ranges Available at Nature’s Farm®

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